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The former North London Polytechnic assembly hall is finally going to reopen this April…
Can you tell us about you and your work?
My name is Glory Ebengo and I am the creator of CouchTalksWithGlo, a platform and safe haven where we have ‘unfiltered conversations about life’. They involve topics such as trauma and growth. I always found it difficult to communicate my feelings in certain areas of my life growing up. I never realised that that was becoming the pinnacle of my existence and, to an extent, cultivated my perception of life and the direction in which I was heading. A lot of who I was stemmed from negativity, and the aim is to look at these issues and try to become a ‘better me’ from it. At Couchtalks, we have created a tribe who want to break out of the cycle of being mute and stand up and confidently have conversations on topics which matter to them.
What is your process? How do you create?
My writing often begins with what has been laid on my heart for that week. I’m usually challenged by a certain aspect of life on a daily basis, such as forgiving people. From that, I analyse what the struggle is and how I can grow from it. I tend to bring these up in intimate conversations with my circle of friends and family from, which I create the digital conversation.
Who or what inspires you?
I’m heavily inspired by the people around me. I learn a lot from my friends and family, and I try to embed that in my work.
What appealed to you about Creators House?
I was attracted by the reviews. I had friends who had used the space before me and had said it was incredibly welcoming.
What do you think some of the biggest challenges facing young people today are?
My generation are struggling with communication. We have cultivated so much language today that we are lost in interpretation. Many people struggle to share their experiences, or their pain, with others because they are not in an environment in which they can do that. Not being able to communicate hinders young people from many things, from finding what they love to trying new experiences, and more.
Why are places like Creators House important?
It is the safe haven that we all need, an environment in which young people are able to freely express what they are going through their music, art, writing and speaking. There is liberation in these expressions and Creators House has given us the opportunity to be free.
What has your experience of using the space been like?
I’ve loved every single minute of it. The staff are incredibly friendly. They helped me create a home there and they are always available to help and that makes me feel happy and free to always return.
What’s a significant journey you’ve been on?
I am a Christian and I have been on a journey of finding out who I am in the eyes of God. My faith is an important factor and I try to embed that in what I do.
What do you hope to achieve in the next five years?
I hope to become a published author and a representative for difference within my community as a black woman. I hope to also set up networks for young creatives, helping them get into different fields.
Find Glory audio blogging on substack with weekly newsletters for future events & conversations: couchtalkswglo.substack.com and follow @couchtalkswglo
The former North London Polytechnic assembly hall is finally going to reopen this April…
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